In 2019/2020 Sydney Trains provided funds to pilot a demonstration project which explored the viability of letting community partner organisations utilise currently unused TfNSW land on a short to medium term basis.
A group of young professionals came up with the idea of setting up a community garden. And so it began.
Initially the garden reached out to the Greek Welfare church and the pay-as-you-feel, not-for-profit restaurant Lentil As Anything and was delivering produce regularly to both groups. After a while the lease was transferred to Lentil As Anything (agreed to by all parties) and the garden began growing fresh herbs and veggies for them and delivering produce twice weekly to the kitchen. The food scraps from the kitchen were being collected and composted at the garden as well.
Unfortunately, due to the impacts of covid Lentil As Anything has closed. So the garden is now in the process of organising a new partnership. In the meantime, the produce we harvest is going to the community food cooperative, Alfalfa House in Enmore.
We strive to garden organically and sustainably, using practices such as companion planting, composting, mulching, wicking beds and worm farming.