Cheltenham – Giri & Sureni’s Garden (Saturday only, 10am – 4pm)

Ours is a mixed garden which, at this point, includes a few edible trees, greens, vegetables, vines, flowers, cactus, orchids, bromeliads, natives and water plants.

The garden was not designed with any specific style in mind. As our love of gardening and confidence grew, we experimented and added new stuff and chopped and changed.

There are seven raised beds and lots of flowering plants like dahlias and basil so that it will attract plenty of bees and that seems to be working.

In our minds the garden is never complete; it is still work in progress! We have two compost bins that have yielded partial success. The garden provides enough for our family of four for many days in a week.

Sydney Edible Garden Trail
Sydney Edible Garden Trail
Sydney Edible Garden Trail
Sydney Edible Garden Trail
Sydney Edible Garden Trail
Sydney Edible Garden Trail
Sydney Edible Garden Trail
Sydney Edible Garden Trail
Sydney Edible Garden Trail
Sydney Edible Garden Trail