Believe in this project as much as we do?
Our crew is committed to providing our time 100% gratis to get this off the ground each year. Running an event this size, however, we do have a few unavoidable costs such as marketing and insurance.
Whether is through donations, sponsoring us, volunteering your time or following our social media, there’s a variety of ways to get involved and every little bit of help is greatly appreciated!

While donations over one hundred dollars receive a special mention on our sponsor page, every dollar counts and goes straight into supporting our growing community and a sustainable future.
Interested in providing us with more official financial support? If this project aligns with your passions, beliefs and ethos, we’d love to hear from you. We have four levels of sponsorship available with promotional opportunities for you and/or your business.

The Sydney Edible Garden Trail relies on the generous help of volunteers. Interested in volunteering? We need people with various skills to help organise the trail. If you’d like to volunteer with us, fill in the form below and we’ll be in contact soon!