Lane Cove – Bridget and Luke’s Garden (Saturday 2pm – 4pm, Sunday 9am – 4pm)

Bridget and her partner, Luke, have spent the last 11 years slowly developing a sustainable permaculture garden at their home and on the verge for neighbours to share.

Relatively low maintenance, the garden combines a variety of perennial fruit and vegetables including a banana circle, a fejoia hedge, an edible verge, aquaponics system, chook pen, various citrus, fruit trees, herbs and other edibles, mixed with ornamentals.

In 2014,  the garden was opened to the public for the last year of the long running ABC Open Gardens Australia event. In 2018, the garden was awarded first prize in the Edible Garden category of the Lane Cove Council Garden competition.

Plants, seedlings and seeds for sale.

Raised Garden Beds (part of aquaponics system)
Verge Garden
Bridget with Raised beds
Back steps with wicking beds
Back steps with wicking beds
sacred lotus
Sacred Lotus – all parts are edible
back pond with taro, pickeral rush and watercress
back pond with taro, pickeral rush and watercress
purple corn
purple corn
Banana Circle
Banana Circle
wicking beds by Waterups
Wicking beds in the back yard