Lane Cove – Wendy & Alasdair’s Street Side Garden (Saturday only)

Wendy and Alasdair’s street side garden shows what can be done with a small space. Next to the footpath, Pepinos and Midyim-berries offer nibble-food for neighbourhood children. Also, in spring, pineapple sage flowers are a sweet treat (remember sucking a drop of nectar out of the honeysuckle flowers?)

In autumn, the ice-cream bean trees are covered with edible pods (named for the sweet pulp) and the blossoms are also relished by local ring-tail possums.

This front garden shows how trees can be used to provide shade on a hot footpath, and a grapevine and a peach tree screen the front of the house from the western sun.

So many mature trees make it a challenge to grow vegetables, with root competition. So pots (that can be moved around) provide growing space for leafy greens, strawberries and sweet potatoes.

Watering features now include bath water being pumped out into garden. This provides most of water except in hot summer days.