Ryde – The Habitat Community Garden (Saturday only, 10am – 4pm)

The Habitat is a community plant nursery and open (no fences) food garden.

We are at 251 Quarry Road, Ryde at the entrance to Santa Rosa Park.

We do composting, worm farming and have raised and on-ground garden beds. We also incorporate a sensory garden, a habitat garden and a yarning circle.

Our nursery and garden are run and maintained by volunteers of all ages and abilities. Bev and Pam are the coordinators. We are in partnership with City of Ryde Council. We have a native bee hive and usually have tadpoles and frogs present.

Sydney Edible Garden Trail - The Habitat community garden
Garden beds growing edibles at The Habitat
Sydney Edible Garden Trail - The Habitat community garden
Sydney Edible Garden Trail - The Habitat community garden
Borage growing in the garden
Sydney Edible Garden Trail - The Habitat community garden
Sydney Edible Garden Trail - The Habitat community garden
Native garden