Market Garden Park is a relatively new community garden in Willoughby. We have 8 in-ground beds in which we grow vegetables and fruit. We have a small orchard area with lemon/lime and banana trees. Last year we added 4 raised, accessible beds. This year we will buy a shed and trial a native edible area for our macadamia. We have been growing yacon (also known as Peruvian ground apple) successfully for a few seasons. It is a delicious winter harvesting root tasting a little like a nashi pear and is a good substitute for cucumbers or water chestnuts. There are 5 on-site compost bins and 2 worm farms providing nourishing free compost year round.
Group meeting times are Wednesdays from 9.30 am and Saturdays from 8 am. Come for as little or as long as you like. New members welcome, visit our website at for more information