The garden is a work in progress!
Since Dec 2018 I have been working on the realisation of my permaculture design which is now nearing completion. I counted that I’ve planted about 130 trees during the process! We are on an uneven block with multiple levels, quite a few steps, and large amounts of rock outcrop. The front lawn has been completely sheet mulched and given over to a herb garden and fruit trees such as citrus, pomegranate, feijoas, fig and strawberry guava. The west side is shaded by a pergola covered by a grape vine, chillies and jasmine. At the back, the lawn has been replaced by swales providing a home to our food forest (peaches, plums, pears, apricot, quince, mango, macadamia, avocado, ice-cream bean). Other lawn areas have been converted to a herb garden, and chicken run, and I have covered the rock with raised beds. There is also a greenhouse, IBC wicking beds, banana circle, espalier apple trees, veggie gardens, a pond, worms and compost bays – almost entirely made with recycled materials from our house renovation. We have also have four water tanks and are expecting our solar installation in early February.