Wentworthville Community Garden (Saturday only, 9am – 3pm)

Wentworthville Community Garden is an established community garden. It is a community space where local residents with a common interest in gardening come together to participate in activities that encourage harmony, cooperation and a sense of belonging.

It is run and managed by volunteers on land owned by the former Holroyd Council (now Cumberland City Council). The Garden has won many awards over the years including the Keep Australia Beautiful – NSW Sustainable Garden Award, the Community Garden display at the Sydney Royal Easter Show for nine consecutive years, and, several local garden awards.

In 2002 Holroyd Council invited the local community to participate in the planning and design of a community garden on a piece of parkland in Lytton St Park, Wentworthville. It took 4 years of planning, discussions and finally Council approval to actually get to dig in the dirt!

An enthusiastic group of about 10 local residents started work on the vacant site in 2006. We built the gardens in several stages as we had to raise money or secure grants to complete garden beds. The Garden now has close to 150 members from many different cultural backgrounds. There are approximately 100 gardens beds. Gardeners grow fresh produce, herbs or flowers to take home or share with others. They grow the full range of the usual vegetables and herbs, as well as a wide range of crops from South Asia. The day to day running costs and improvements to the Garden are covered through fund raising activities such as our popular Open Day that is usually held in October each year. We host a native beehive as part of Council’s Native Bee Project. Green waste from the site is recycled through our compost heaps. We also have worm farms and a green house. From our community shade shelter and large storage shed we harvest rainwater into 3 water storage tanks.The Garden is open on Saturdays from 10.00am, and, Wednesday and Sundays from 3.30pm. Visit us on site, see our website https://www.wentworthvillecommunitygarden.com.au or find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/wentworthvillecommunitygarden