Longueville – Mandy’s Japanese Fusion Style Garden (Sunday only, 10am – 4pm)

Mandy’s garden is a fusion between Permaculture and Japanese styles. Having recently left a large Permaculture garden for something a bit flatter and easier to manage, she is embracing the challenge of blending the existing Ken Lamb designed Japanese garden, complete with large koi carp, with her passion for growing all things edible and Permacultural.

When not at her two community gardens, three garden clubs, Permaculture North, Horticulture class or the local Repair Cafe she is daily found in her own garden, thinking about the state of the planet and how to do things better. After moving in two years ago, two large wicking beds were installed and these have been producing vegetables and herbs consistently in all seasons and most recently a great crop of tomatoes. Any leftovers go to the worm farm, compost and the three chickens, eggs being added to the menu, or swapped with local honey producers etc.

Already a beautiful spot to pick dinner, meditate, enjoy the harbour views and huge Angophoras and the sound of the waterfall, this large garden is evolving to include a mixture of edibles and cottage garden, and by gradually papering over some of the grass areas and turning them into flower, fruit and veg borders, she is learning, adapting and problem solving in true Permacultural style. Kookaburras, butcher birds, currawongs , magpies, tawny frogmouths, lorikeets, king parrots, lizards, frogs, monarch butterflies etc often visit, adding interest, aliveness and diversity.